Michigan Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-77 today, permitting manufacturing workers to resume work as part of the MI Safe Start Plan. Manufacturing workers, including workers in the automotive industry, are allowed to resume work on May 11, 2020, one week ahead of the planned restart date of certain Michigan automakers. See Executive Order No. 2020-77, Section 10(k).
However, this resumption of work is subject to stringent precautionary measures and safeguards identified in the Order, including detailed requirements outlined in Section 11(k). These requirements include, among several other requirements:
- daily entry screening protocols;
- dedicated entry points;
- suspension of non-essential in-person visits, such as tours;
- reduction of congestion at common-spaces;
- implementation of rotational shift schedules;
- special training to avoid transmission of the virus;
- staggered start times and meal times;
- installation of temporary physical barriers; and
- limitation of tool and equipment sharing.
Is your company allowed to restart manufacturing and production on May 11?
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