Six months after releasing our 2024 Automotive Trends Report, we look at which of our legal trends continue driving the industry forward… and which ones might be in the rearview mirror. Today, Tom Moga, Jen Fraser, and Mike Word dive into the major Intellectual Property issues impacting the automotive industry.Continue Reading 2024 Automotive Trends: Trending Up or Trending Down? Spotlight: Intellectual Property

Michael Word
Mike Word represents some of the world’s leading technology companies, as both plaintiffs and defendants, in matters before the U.S. federal district courts, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the International Trade Commission (ITC), the Patent Trials and Appeals Board (PTAB), and before American Arbitration Association (AAA) panels. In addition, he serves as the co-leader of Dykema’s Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Group.
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